I am most passionate about working with professionals one-on-one and in small teams to better understand themselves, their goals, their colleagues, and the systems in which they work to become their best, happiest selves.
I have seven years of academic administrative experience leading teams, developing ongoing professional development initiatives, program assessment, curriculum design, and creating institution-specific processes and protocols.
Personally and professionally, I have been most influenced by Stanford researchers Bill Burnett and Dave Evans’ Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life, Gretchen Rubin’s The Four Tendencies, and Kevin Leman’s The Real You: Becoming the Person You Were Meant to Be.
A little more about me:
Enneagram: 5
VIA Character Strengths Profile, Top 5: Judgment, Perspective, Prudence, Honesty, and Creativity
Myers-Briggs: ISTJ-T
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Patronus: Rottweiler